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Authoctonus Dengue in Italy

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Authoctonus Dengue in Italy
Authoctonus Dengue in Italy

Soon or later it had to happen and it did. Autohcthonous cases of Dengue in Italy.

A girl visiting Indonesia got the virus and once in Italy had to spend the quarantine (because of the Covid-19) staying home. The house is in a village not far from Vicenza, with a nice garden where several tiger mosquitoes live. The girl was back from her trip at the end of July. At mid August other memebrs of the family had the symptoms. The analysis demonstrated that more members of the family were infected. 

The garden has been sprayed with insecticides, collection of mosquitoes are running.

Investigation on the movements of the infected members, to verify eventual spread of the virus, are on the way.

Updatings will follow.
Last updated: September 9th 2020
The numer of autohcthous cases of Dengue raises to 9, all correlated to the cluster. The spread of the disease doesn’t seem to be out of control, thanks to the fast reaction of the actors involved.


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